Monday, October 12, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Bayer folks

I knew few folks as Dr. Yeh, Ed roman, Ishikuma, Mao.

Just come back from China

During Sept 8 to 23rd, I have traveled to Changsha, Hunan, and Shanghai for a business meeting while takes 4 days off as vacation. Trip is fun and exhuasted. I got to see many friends and colleges during the trip, while have to deliver a report. One thing good is to take a business class while on the plane.
After coming back I have a lot of thing to do. I am preparing Q3 report, anwsering head-hunters, and visiting grand-kids in Michigan.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Attend "Ministrial Forum" of International Hybrid Rice

With the invitation by Chinese government, I will attend the "Ministrial Forum" of China international Hybrid Rice Cooperation held in Changsa, from Sept 10th to 12th.

Xu Ping (Cousin, Prof in Beijing Univ)

Xu Ping, cousin from my mom's side. Her father is my mom's brother. When she was in teenage, she was very good singer, with attractive voice. She studied European culture as her Ph. D. and now is a history professor in Bejing University.
She visited us in Louisiana while he was a visiting professor in Hawaii University.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Father and son

My only son, Yijia Chu, was graduated from MIT majoring in Biology. He is now persueing MD in Univ Michigen. Married with Amenda Thompsom, his high school classmate, now he has one son, Oliver Chu, and one daughter, Ivy Chu. Their family is full of love!!!

Chu YM (my niece) Univ.Pen US

Chu, Yuanming, daughter of my younger brother, got her BS in Shanghai Eastern China Chemical University majoring in EE. She came to US studying in EE in University of Pen. She is now working in NY. Her mom Yao, Peide is about to retire.

Yijia and Amenda Chu's wedding

Las Vagas

Yuan LP, Chu, and Federico

Part of my job is as "China Coordinator". I travel twice a year to China, visiting our parterner Prof Yuan Longping in Hainan island.

LSU visit SAAS

As the Director General, Agro-Biotech Center, Shanghai Academy of Agricultural Sciences, I invited a group of LSU professors to visit China in 1990. From left: Chu, Liu jiasheng (Crop Institute Director), Feng, Yiren (Foriegn Dept Head), Wang, Shujun (President SAAS), Dr. Joe Musick (Director, LSU Rice Station), Dr. Steve Linscombe (Rice Breeder), Dr. Tim Croughan (Tissue Culture) and Dr. Susan Croughan (Plant physiologist).

Haina Tiayahaijiao

Hank, Susan, and Chu on 100 years birthday

Visit Hainan Minority

Family trip on Nanjin Road, Shanghai

With my niece in Galvaston, TX

Joe Musik, Lu Xinggui, and Chu

Prof and Breeder, Lu Xingui, is well known scientist in China who developed TGMS 2-line hybrids. He visited LSU with resident director, Dr. Joe Musick and Dr. Chu in 2003.

Kirk Johnson (Bayer)

Dinner with Norman Borlaug

Zhikang Li and Chu

Steve 50-year-young birthday